If you’re on foot and a madman, who wants to kill you, is perusing you in a car, what is the most effective way to evade certain death?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that running in a straight line in the path of the car is probably the 2nd most ineffective strategy possible (standing stationary in front of the car being
the most ineffective).
Yet, in the world of horror cinema, protagonists inexplicably employ this strategy all the time. It’s not usually until they trip over and fall flat on their face that they finally see the flaw in this strategy and craw out of the path of the car on hands and knees, often (conveniently) just in the nick of time.
Now, not only is running in a straight line an idiotic strategy for evading a car, but the best way to get out of the path of a car (once you finally wake up to the fact that that is indeed what you need to do) is not on hands and knees either. I’m reminded of what numerous football coaches have preached to me over the years; “keep your feet”. It is basic human biomechanics: you can move faster when you are upright on two legs, rather than down on all fours.
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